Results for 'Wiem Abdelmonem Ben Khalifa'

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  1.  11
    The Awareness Level of the Artificial Intelligence Applications' Risk among Faculty Members and its Relation to the Attitude towards Digital Culture at Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University.Rehab Tharwat Abd El Ghani Abo Bakr, Amel Mohamed Essaket Zahou, Amal Abdallah AlShaer, Ikhlas Saad Ahmed, Wiem Abdelmonem Ben Khalifa, Sherin Hassan Mabrouk & Hoda Abdel Hameed Abdel Wahab - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1336-1359.
    The current study aimed at identifying the awareness level of artificial intelligence applications' risks among faculty members and its relation to the attitude towards digital culture at Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University. The descriptive survey method was used. A questionnaire was designed to measure the awareness of the artificial intelligence applications' risks, and a scale for measuring the attitude towards digital culture. They were administered to a sample of [463] faculty members at Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University. The study concluded (...)
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  2. The Passing of Temporal Well-Being.Ben Bramble - 2017 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    The philosophical study of well-being concerns what makes lives good for their subjects. It is now standard among philosophers to distinguish between two kinds of well-being: - lifetime well-being, i.e., how good a person's life was for him or her considered as a whole, and - temporal well-being, i.e., how well off someone was, or how they fared, at a particular moment in time or over a period of time longer than a moment but shorter than a whole life, say, (...)
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    Virtue in Medical Practice: An Exploratory Study.Ben Kotzee, Agnieszka Ignatowicz & Hywel Thomas - 2017 - HEC Forum 29 (1):1-19.
    Virtue ethics has long provided fruitful resources for the study of issues in medical ethics. In particular, study of the moral virtues of the good doctor—like kindness, fairness and good judgement—have provided insights into the nature of medical professionalism and the ethical demands on the medical practitioner as a moral person. Today, a substantial literature exists exploring the virtues in medical practice and many commentators advocate an emphasis on the inculcation of the virtues of good medical practice in medical education (...)
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  4. Reformulating Mill’s Harm Principle.Ben Saunders - 2016 - Mind 125 (500):1005-1032.
    Mill’s harm principle is commonly supposed to rest on a distinction between self-regarding conduct, which is not liable to interference, and other-regarding conduct, which is. As critics have noted, this distinction is difficult to draw. Furthermore, some of Mill’s own applications of the principle, such as his forbidding of slavery contracts, do not appear to fit with it. This article proposes that the self-regarding/other-regarding distinction is not in fact fundamental to Mill’s harm principle. The sphere of protected liberty includes not (...)
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  5. Naturalness and Convex Class Nominalism.Ben Blumson - 2019 - Dialectica 73 (1-2):65-81.
    In this paper I argue that the analysis of natural properties as convex subsets of a metric space in which the distances are degrees of dissimilarity is incompatible with both the definition of degree of dissimilarity as number of natural properties not in common and the definition of degree of dissimilarity as proportion of natural properties not in common, since in combination with either of these definitions it entails that every property is a natural property, which is absurd. I suggest (...)
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    Philosophy and its Past.Ben Mijuskovic - 1980 - Philosophical Books 21 (1):9-11.
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  7. Contextualism about object-seeing.Ben Phillips - 2016 - Philosophical Studies 173 (9):2377-2396.
    When is seeing part of an object enough to qualify as seeing the object itself? For instance, is seeing a cat’s tail enough to qualify as seeing the cat itself? I argue that whether a subject qualifies as seeing a given object varies with the context of the ascriber. Having made an initial case for the context-sensitivity of object-seeing, I then address the contention that it is merely a feature of the ordinary notion. I argue that the notions of object-seeing (...)
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  8. Decoupling Topological Explanations from Mechanisms.Daniel Kostic & Kareem Khalifa - 2023 - Philosophy of Science 90 (2):245 - 268.
    We provide three innovations to recent debates about whether topological or “network” explanations are a species of mechanistic explanation. First, we more precisely characterize the requirement that all topological explanations are mechanistic explanations and show scientific practice to belie such a requirement. Second, we provide an account that unifies mechanistic and non-mechanistic topological explanations, thereby enriching both the mechanist and autonomist programs by highlighting when and where topological explanations are mechanistic. Third, we defend this view against some powerful mechanist objections. (...)
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  9.  63
    Schrodinger's Philosophy of Quantum Mechanics. Michel Bitbol.Yemima Ben-Menahem - 2000 - Isis 91 (1):187-188.
  10.  59
    Anxiolytic Treatment Impairs Helping Behavior in Rats.Inbal Ben-Ami Bartal, Haozhe Shan, Nora M. R. Molasky, Teresa M. Murray, Jasper Z. Williams, Jean Decety & Peggy Mason - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
  11. Deriving Moral Considerability from Leopold’s A Sand County Almanac.Ben Dixon - 2016 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 19 (2):196-212.
    I argue that a reasonable understanding of Leopold’s ‘Land Ethic’ is one that identifies possession of health as being a sufficient condition for moral consideration. With this, Leopold extends morality not only to biotic wholes, but to individual organisms, as both can have their health undermined. My argument centers on explaining why Leopold thinks it reasonable to analogize ecosystems both to an organism and to a community: both have a health. My conclusions undermine J. Baird Callicott’s rhetorical dismissal of the (...)
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  12. Sins of Inquiry: How to Criticize Scientific Pursuits.Marina DiMarco & Kareem Khalifa - 2022 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 92 (C):86-96.
    Criticism is a staple of the scientific enterprise and of the social epistemology of science. Philosophical discussions of criticism have traditionally focused on its roles in relation to objectivity, confirmation, and theory choice. However, attention to criticism and to criticizability should also inform our thinking about scientific pursuits: the allocation of resources with the aim of developing scientific tools and ideas. In this paper, we offer an account of scientific pursuitworthiness which takes criticizability as its starting point. We call this (...)
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  13. Inquiry Tickets: Values, Pursuit, and Underdetermination.Marina DiMarco & Kareem Khalifa - 2019 - Philosophy of Science 86 (5):1016-1028.
    We offer a new account of the role of values in theory choice that captures a temporal dimension to the values themselves. We argue that non-epistemic values sometimes serve as “inquiry tickets,” justifying scientists’ pursuit of certain questions in the short run, while the answers to those questions mitigate transient underdetermination in the long run. Our account of inquiry tickets shows that the role of non-epistemic values need not be restricted to belief or acceptance in order to be relevant to (...)
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  14.  82
    Does appearance matter in the interaction of children with autism with a humanoid robot?Ben Robins, Kerstin Dautenhahn & Janek Dubowski - 2006 - Interaction Studies. Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies / Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies 7 (3):479-512.
    This article studies the impact of a robot’s appearance on interactions involving four children with autism. This work is part of the Aurora project with the overall aim to support interaction skills in children with autism, using robots as ‘interactive toys’ that can encourage and mediate interactions. We follow an approach commonly adopted in assistive robotics and work with a small group of children with autism. This article investigates which robot appearances are suitable to encourage interactions between a robot and (...)
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  15.  63
    Genomic Inheritances: Disclosing Individual Research Results From Whole-Exome Sequencing to Deceased Participants' Relatives.Ben Chan, Flavia M. Facio, Haley Eidem, Sara Chandros Hull, Leslie G. Biesecker & Benjamin E. Berkman - 2012 - American Journal of Bioethics 12 (10):1-8.
    Whole-genome analysis and whole-exome analysis generate many more clinically actionable findings than traditional targeted genetic analysis. These findings may be relevant to research participants themselves as well as for members of their families. Though researchers performing genomic analyses are likely to find medically significant genetic variations for nearly every research participant, what they will find for any given participant is unpredictable. The ubiquity and diversity of these findings complicate questions about disclosing individual genetic test results. We outline an approach for (...)
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  16. Scientific Understanding and Representation: Modeling in the Physical Sciences.Insa Lawler, Kareem Khalifa & Elay Shech (eds.) - 2022 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This volume brings together leading scholars working on understanding and representation in philosophy of science. It features a critical conversation format between contributors that advances debates concerning scientific understanding, scientific representation, and their delicate interplay.
  17.  22
    Schelling's Naturalism: Motion, Space and the Volition of Thought.Ben Woodard - 2018 - Edinburgh University Press.
    Using Schelling's philosophy, Ben Woodard examines how an expanded form of naturalism changes how we conceive of the division between thought and world, mathematics and motion, sense and dynamics, experiment and materiality, as well as speculation and pragmatism. Nature, in Schelling's eyes, is not the great outdoors or some authentic pastoral realm, but the various powers, processes and tendencies which run through biology, chemistry, physics and the very possibility of thought itself.
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    Dialectic of the Ladder: Wittgenstein, the 'Tractatus' and Modernism.Ben Ware - 2015 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Ludwig Wittgenstein's Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus (1922) remains one of the most enigmatic works of twentieth century thought. In this bold and original new study, Ben Ware argues that Wittgenstein's early masterpiece is neither an analytic treatise on language and logic, nor a quasi-mystical work seeking to communicate 'ineffable' truths. Instead, we come to understand the Tractatus by grasping it in a twofold sense: first, as a dialectical work which invites the reader to overcome certain 'illusions of thought'; and second as a (...)
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  19. Torat ḥovot ha-levavot: ha-mevoʼar.Baḥya ben Joseph ibn Paḳuda - 2013 - Betar ʻIlit: Mishnat ha-sefer. Edited by Yehudah ibn Tibon, Ḥayim Avraham ben Aryeh Leyb Kats, Judah Loew ben Bezalel & Refaʼel ben Zekharyah.
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  20. Sefer Pitḥe yiḥud: hilkhot yiḥud mevoʼarim be-ṭaʻamam ʻal pi mekorotehem be-sifre ha-rishonim ṿeha-aḥaronim ʻim tsiyunim ṿe-heʻarot.Tsevi Dov ben Zeʼev Rotan - 2015 - Modiʻin ʻIlit: [Tsevi Dov ben Zeʼev Rotan].
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    Setiya on reasons and causes.Ben Wolfson - 2016 - Philosophical Explorations 19 (3):276-289.
    Setiya [2013. “Causality in Action”. Analysis Reviews, 73 : pp. 512–525] recently gave a novel argument in favor of a causal theory of acting for a reason. He presents three principles relating acting for a reason to psychological states of the agent and uses them to test theories of acting for a reason: theories cannot explain the necessary truth of the conditionals are to be rejected. Surveying a number of alternatives, he finds that only a causal-psychological theory passes this test, (...)
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  22.  77
    Costly signalling theories: beyond the handicap principle.Ben Fraser - 2012 - Biology and Philosophy 27 (2):263-278.
    Two recent overviews of costly signalling theory—Maynard-Smith and Harper ( 2003 ) and Searcy and Nowicki ( 2005 )—both refuse to count signals kept honest by punishment of dishonesty, as costly signals, because (1) honest signals must be costly in cases of costly signalling, and (2) punishment of dishonesty itself requires explanation. I argue that both pairs of researchers are mistaken: (2) is not a reason to discount signals kept honest by punishment of dishonesty as cases of costly signalling, and (...)
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  23.  41
    No Experience Necessary? Foundationalism and the Retreat from Culture in Environmental Ethics.Ben A. Minteer - 1998 - Environmental Values 7 (3):333-348.
    Many of the leading contributors to the field of environmental ethics demonstrate a preference for foundationalist approaches in their theoretical justifications of environmentalism. In this paper, I criticise this tendency as it figures in the work of Holmes Rolston III, J. Baird Callicott, and Eric Katz. I illustrate how these writers' desire for philosophical absolutes leads them to reject the moral resources present within human culture; a move that carries with it a number of troubling philosophical and political problems. I (...)
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  24. If anyone is in Christ – new creation!Ben Page - 2020 - Religious Studies 4 (56):525-541.
    This article investigates the metaphysical transformation that occurs when a believer becomes a new creation, something which hasn't yet been explored in the literature. I start by setting out what this ontological transformation involves, and then provide two models as to how it might go. The first is a type of substratism, based on a theory of mixing, while the second thinks about this transformation in terms of replacementism. Throughout the article I seek to resolve difficulties that both of these (...)
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  25.  63
    Defining and delineating a duty to prognosticate.Ben A. Rich - 2001 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 22 (3):177-192.
    Prognostication, the process offormulating and communicating a prognosis, isno longer considered by most physicians to bean essential task in caring for patients withserious illness. Because of this fact, it isnot surprising to find that when physiciansattempt to engage in prognostication, they doit poorly. What may be surprising to thoseoutside the medical community is the extent towhich professional norms have developed whichactively discourage physicians from engaging inprognostication. This article explores thecauses of this state of affairs and thejustifications offered for it. The (...)
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  26.  42
    Uncovering values‐based practice: VBP's implicit commitments to subjectivism and relativism.Ben Cassidy - 2013 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 19 (3):547-552.
  27.  5
    Secundus, the silent philosopher.Ben Edwin Perry (ed.) - 1964 - [Chapel Hill? N.C.]: distributed for the Association of Cornell University Press, Ithaca, N. Y..
  28.  26
    Dopamine D4 receptor polymorphism and sex interact to predict children’s affective knowledge.Sharon Ben-Israel, Florina Uzefovsky, Richard P. Ebstein & Ariel Knafo-Noam - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    The structure of the Mitchell order – II.Omer Ben-Neria - 2015 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 166 (12):1407-1432.
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  30. Emunah ramah: perakim mi-tokh "Emunah ramah".Abraham ben David Ibn Daud & Yehudah Aizenberg - 1986 - Yerushalayim: Haśkel. Edited by Yehudah Aizenberg.
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  31. Sefer Toldot Yaʻaḳov Yosef: ṿe-hu perush ha-Rambam ʻal Pirḳe Avot, u-Shemonah peraḳim leha-Rambam ṿe-hem haḳdamah le-ferusho ; ʻim haḳdamat Rabi Shemuʼel Ibn Tibon ; u-ferush Ḥesed Avraham leha-rav R. Avraham Horṿits zal = Commentaire du Perek de Maïmonide, avec les 8 Chapitres (Traite philosophique) avec la préface de R. Samuel Ben Thibbone.Shmuel Ibn Tibbon, Yosef ben Daṿid Genasiyah, Moses Maimonides & Abraham ben Shabbetai Sheftel Horowitz (eds.) - 1953 - G'erbah: Bi-defus Ḥai Ḥadad.
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    Muerte no accidental de un anarquista español: El periodista y escritor Benigno Bejarano muere en un campo de exterminio.Julia María Labrador Ben - 2009 - Arbor 185 (739):1063-1071.
    El periodista y escritor anarquista Benigno Bejarano (Alburquerque, Badajoz, 22-XI-1900 - ¿Watenstedt?, Alemania, verano 1944) desarrolló una intensa labor literaria y política antes y durante la Guerra Civil española. Exiliado en Francia, es detenido por la Gestapo y trasladado a varios campos de concentración. Se da noticia de su biografía, sus obras, su exilio y su detención y reclusión hasta su muerte, gaseado en un camión fantasma por los nazis. Completa el estudio una exhaustiva bibliografía.
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    Distinguishing Difficult Patients From Difficult Maladies.Ben A. Rich - 2013 - American Journal of Bioethics 13 (4):24 - 26.
    (2013). Distinguishing Difficult Patients From Difficult Maladies. The American Journal of Bioethics: Vol. 13, No. 4, pp. 24-26. doi: 10.1080/15265161.2013.767957.
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  34.  41
    Observations on the Nature and Extent of Injustice in the American Prison System.Ben A. Rich - 2014 - American Journal of Bioethics 14 (7):1-3.
  35.  22
    Paternalism, with and without identity.Ben Saunders - 2023 - Journal of Medical Ethics 49 (6):409-410.
    Interference is paternalistic when it restricts an individual’s freedom for their own good. Anti-paternalists, such as John Stuart Mill, object to this for various reasons, including that the individual is usually a better judge of her own interests than the would-be paternalist. However, Wilkinson argues that a Parfitian reductivist approach to personal identity opens the door to what he calls ‘identity-relative paternalism’ where someone’s present action is restricted for the sake of a different future self.1 This is an interesting argument, (...)
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  36. Did Theophrastus Reject Aristotle’s Account of Place?Ben Morison - 2010 - Phronesis 55 (1):68-103.
    It is commonly held that Theophrastus criticized or rejected Aristotle's account of place. The evidence that scholars put forward for this view, from Simplicius' commentary on Aristotle's Physics, comes in two parts: (1) Simplicius reports some aporiai that Theophrastus found for Aristotle's account; (2) Simplicius cites a passage of Theophrastus which is said to 'bear witness' to the theory of place which Simplicius himself adopts (that of his teacher Damascius) — a theory which is utterly different from Aristotle's. But the (...)
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  37.  33
    Why Metaphysics Matters: The Case of Property Law.Ben Ohavi - 2024 - Law and Philosophy 43 (4):367-391.
    Are property rights absolute? This paper attempts to reframe this question by drawing on insights from the field of social ontology. My main claim is that, even if we accept the most extreme view of the absoluteness of property rights, there are some non-normative conceptual limitations to these rights. The conceptual limitations are based on two claims about the nature of property rights and their subject matter, namely objects in the world: (1) property law regulates relations between persons through the (...)
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  38.  23
    Imagining Law: Marginalised Bodies/Indigenous Spaces.Ben Hightower & Kirsten Anker - 2016 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 29 (1):1-8.
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  39.  51
    Indoctrination, intellectual virtues and rational emotions.Ben Spiecker - 1987 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 21 (2):261–266.
    Ben Spiecker; Indoctrination, Intellectual Virtues and Rational Emotions, Journal of Philosophy of Education, Volume 21, Issue 2, 30 May 2006, Pages 261–266, ht.
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  40. In early moral upbringing.Ben Spiecker - 1999 - In David Carr & Jan Willem Steutel, Virtue ethics and moral education. New York: Routledge. pp. 210.
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  41. Why majority rule cannot be based only on procedural equality.Ben Saunders - 2010 - Ratio Juris 23 (1):113-122.
  42.  49
    Philosophy East/philosophy West: a critical comparison of Indian, Chinese, Islamic, and European philosophy.Ben-Ami Scharfstein (ed.) - 1978 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    An introduction to comparative philosophy relates European and Oriental philosophies and brings to light such aspects of Eastern philosophy as intellectuality, reasoning, and logical analysis usually associated with Western thought.
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  43.  41
    The Routledge Handbook of Autonomy.Ben Colburn (ed.) - 2022 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    A comprehensive survey of the key topics, debates and problems surrounding autonomy. Comprising over 40 chapters by an international team of contributors, the Handbook is essential reading for those in political philosophy, ethics, applied ethics and philosophy of law.
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  44.  30
    Stakeholders Perception and Attitude Based Framework for Developing Responsible Management Education (RME) Programs.Abdalla Khidir Abdalla, Saud Ben Khudair, Abuzar El Jelly & Ilham Mansour - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 17:47-74.
    Contributing to the efforts to foster business postgraduate students development toward becoming responsible business leaders is the goal of this study by examining the state of responsible management education in business postgraduate programs in Sudan. We examined perceptions and attitudes toward responsible management and its education among postgraduate-level students and constructed a comprehensive framework appropriate for developing responsible management education programs in under-developed countries. This study’s data were gathered via a structured questionnaire answered by 106 postgraduate business students from the (...)
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  45. Amarot ṭehorot Otsrot Yaʻaḳov: liḳuṭ be-ʻinyene musar ṿe-hadrakhah ba-ʻavodat ha-Shem.Jacob ben Masoud Abi-Ḥasira - 2007 - Ashdod: Mekhon Otsrot Yaʻaḳov.
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  46. Sefer Elef binah.Jacob ben Masoud Abi-Ḥasira - 1967
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    Sefer ha-zikhronot.Samuel ben Abraham Aboab - 2000 - Yerushalayim: Ahavat shalom. Edited by Yaʻaḳov Mosheh Hilel.
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  48. (1 other version)Shevet musar.Elijah ben Solomon Abraham - 1910
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    Graph-based construction of minimal models.Fabrizio Angiulli, Rachel Ben-Eliyahu-Zohary, Fabio Fassetti & Luigi Palopoli - 2022 - Artificial Intelligence 313 (C):103754.
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  50. Sefer Ḥokhmah u-musar: maʼamarim niflaʼim be-musar.Abraham ben Isaac Antibi - 1849 - Yerushalayim: Mekhon ha-ketav. Edited by Ezra Basri.
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